Friday, December 21, 2007

My Dog Lily

On December 18, 2007 about a week and a half before Christmas, my favorite dog in the whole world lily had to be put to sleep. That following morning she had been vomiting a vile brown substance. My worried mother toke her to the vet that day while I was at school, She had a feeling on what they were going to tell her. She was right. Lily had tumors everywhere, and one in her throat, making breathing difficult. She also had bad arthritis in everyone of her legs, and a liver problem. It was time for lily to move on. Our family knew lily had a tumor and arthritis, but she was happy all the time, so we thought of it as nothing, until that morning. Lily was a fighter, she had been poisoned by rat chemicals, and almost died. 1,000 dollars later with a pint of blood transfusions and 1 pint of plasma, she was up and going again. Another time we came home, and lily had something like a bullet hole in her stomach, but....she lived. Then about 2 weeks ago, lily wanted to come up on my mom and dads bed, she was laying when a glass toppled over and she got scared. She toppled off of the bed, shocked, scared, and a very soar back. She got up, and started moving, but was walking funny. Soon it was better. Lily would do anything when it came to our family.

My dad had got lily in a small farm in Washington. The man who lived their described a puppy yellow lab, and was very cute and gentle. My dad got their and walked to where the puppies where. Suddenly a small puppy crawled up to him on her tummy and started whining. coincidentally, it was the puppy the farmer described to my dad. Without hesitation, he bought her and brought her home to me for my birthday present, I was going to turn three. The first time I saw lily, she was wrapped up in a blanket carried by my dad, she was fast asleep. I thought it was a baby at first when my dad lifted up the blanket from it's face. I was so happy! Lily was like a sister, we would play all day, and my butt would be soar and bruised from her nipping, but i didn't care. When I was sad, lily would comfort me, she would go over and started sniffing in my ear, like she was whispering she loved me. Then over the years and many adventures with lily, we moved to Whidbey Island. We built a house next to my grandma and cousins on Possession Beach. Now lily could hang out with my grandma and grandpa's dog, Jocko, a black poodle. The two were inseparable, until one unfortunate day when Jocko died. You could tell lily was sad, she would not eat and she LOVED food, but she eventually got over it. Soon over the years she was getting old but she never lost her spirit. I noticed the top of her head was getting whiter and whiter every year. Ups and downs came and gone with lily, in the end we were OK.

That day when lily got put to sleep, I came home from school, my mom told me the story, it was painless, and peace full. I cried and cried, and so did my mom, brother, and even my dad. That night everyone was sleeping, I thought I heard a noise. I got out of bed, and walked down the hall, nothing was there. I was walking back to bed, when I felt a cold, gentle nudge on my hand, but again, nothing was there. Everyone should know, that your dog, or whatever animal you have will have a certain time to go. They Will give you signs like lily did. No tail wagging, trembling, not eating, or looking up at you as if saying, it's time to go. But when they die, mourn for them, and feel sad. But know that they will always be in your heart, and they will always love you.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Chapter Five

We landed the jump perfectly, we went so high I thought we were flying. Sun Dance was obviously proud to, he whinnied and shook his head back and forth excitedly.
"Well I'll be, you sure are a piece of work on that gelding, keep up the good work!"
The rest of the lesson was jumping and more dressage. Almost every little thing I did, Carn became more and more impressed. By the end of the lesson she was speechless. our group dismounted our horses, and led them back to the stables, April had already left. I led Sun Dance to his paddock, and removed his halter and bridle. He greedily drank the cool water I had filled before the lesson in his green tub, and gave him a fresh batch of hay. I gently brushed his bay colored coat, and reluctantly picked his mud caked hooves. Finally done, I kissed his muzzle, and closed the paddock door, when I found Carn walking toward me with a big ear to ear grin. She pointed a finger at me and laughed with her country accent which sounded more like a donkey nee haw.
"You are one amazing girl Tory, you have improved a great amount and I want to award you for that. And besides, this class is to easy for you." She handed me a slip of paper with days and different times on the front, and a small picture of two horses in the corner. I suddenly realized what she was trying to tell me.
"You got private lessons with me now, Tory. No interuptin, and no tantrums", she exclaimed jokingly.
"Just you and me."
She waved goodbye and walked down the cozy barn isle, and to her house next door.
"Oh!, and I forgot", she said over her solder
"Call to confirm, just in case. And you be good now, ya hear!"
"OK" I yelled back, but she had already closed the barn door. Exited, I said one last good bye to Sun Dance, and ran out the other door. My mom was waiting in the car, and I hopped in.
"Well you look mighty happy sweety, what happened?" She turned the car around and drove up the dark driveway, and into the night.
Sun Dance was doing great for the rest of the lesson, he trotted, cantered, and even walked better than all of the other lessons before. Marissa was on her usual horse Dulcy, but she was giving her to many mixed signals for her to obey correctly. April was OK, but General tripped on the trot and that got her steaming, I swear I could see a little smirk on Sun Dances face when April dismounted her horse and stomped toward the stables shouting,
"I give up!" how immature.
"All right girls, I now want you to canter, but keep plenty of space between you and the other horses", said Carn trying to keep her mind off of Aprils childish tantrum. I put my right leg back on Sun Dances barrel and kissed the air. He picked up a faster gait, and soon we were soaring. I felt like I was floating in midair, the sun was glistening on his mane, and wisps of moisture was floating out of his nose like smoke.
"Now I want you to walk" I pulled back on the rains gently, but firmly and his hooves were now a slow, and more steady beat.
"Good job Tory" cheered carn
"Nice work on the gaits." I smiled proudly and rubbed my horses neck. I noticed his stride was more pronounced, and his head was held up high.
"Alright" said carn again
"It's time to jump!" We turned around, and trotted to the walls, I could feel the surge going through Sun Dance, building up like an eagle about to soar. Finally we came to the wall, and we took off.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Dream Horse Ode

I came across you when there was nothing to do, and to lift my spirits up,
I saw your face, you were a Paint, It was just pure luck.
You were just what I wanted, your temperment 1 and at a reasonable price,
I saw your name, it was a shame, but you looked fairly nice. The next day after school, I had homework to do, But when I was done I looked, you were there, OH, we'd make such a good pair. But yet, all I can do is stare. At school the next day, we had time to play, but I just looked at you, You were even cuter, so I saved you to the computer. To dream a dream, one day a dream come true.

Hey You Guys

everyone, my video is on youtube, but it is not showing up on my blog so if you want to see my video go to marlee's blog-